Andrew Beaty
Department:Applied Theology and Church Ministries
Start Date:May 2013
Personal Information:
Dr. Beaty spent over twenty years in children, youth, and family ministry in local church, para-church, and counseling settings. He has worked extensively with families who have been impacted by disabilities and is a frequent presenter at conferences and on various media outlets regarding how the Church can better serve these families. His dissertation looked at ways to better prepare pastors and church leaders in developing nations by leveraging technology.
Educational Background:
BA, Moody Bible Institute
MACE, Dallas Theological Seminary
EdD, Illinois State University -
Contributing author to The Christian Educator's Handbook on Children's Ministry: Reaching and Teaching the Next Generation
Professional / Personal Interests:
Dr. Beaty is one of over 25 members of his family going back to his grandparents and continuing through his children's generation, who have attended Moody. He and his wife have five biological children and have adopted six children with significant special needs. They are heavily involved with their church's special needs ministry and the graduate residency partnership between their church and Moody.