Andrew Pflederer
Department:Intercultural Studies
School:Undergraduate in Chicago
Start Date:May 2009
Educational Background:
BA, Moody Bible Institute
ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary
PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School -
"More than a 'Thief': De-essentializing Male Youth who Employ Destructive Tactics of Resilience in the Informal Settlements of Nairobi." Deerfield: Trinity International University, 2012.
Presentations:"A Theology of 'Passing Through': The Voice of a 'Hustling Theologian' formed on the Streets and in a Mental Hospital." Presented at the Evangelical Theology Society Meeting, March, 2012 and at the Evangelical Missiological Society Meeting, April, 2012.
A Theology of “Passing Through”: The Voice of a “Hustling Theologian,” presented at the Evangelical Missiological Society regional meeting in Deerfield, Illinois, April 2012.
“More than a Thief: Considerations for Ministry to Perpetrators,” presented at the Moody Pastors Conference, May 2013.
“Always Hope, Always Risk: Complexities Surrounding al-Shabaab Recruitment and Implications for Evangelism and Discipleship in Kenya and Beyond,” presented at the Evangelical Missiological Society regional meeting in Deerfield, April 2015 and at the EMS national meeting in Dallas, October 2015.
“Community Living and Student Mentoring” presented at the Association of Christian Student Development national meeting in Chicago, June 2015.
“Is it Worth Exposing the Division? One Woman’s Experience of Racism in One Church” presented at the Evangelical Theological Society regional meeting in Chicago, March 2016.
I organized and led a one-day symposium on youth violence in Chicago. The youth violence in Chicago symposium included Pastor Gerald Dew, Pastor Keith Gordon, Dr. Kevin Rowell from the University of Central Arkansas, and invited practitioners, October 2016.
Updated: “Always Hope, Always Risk: Complexities Surrounding al-Shabaab Recruitment and Implications for Evangelism and Discipleship in Kenya and Beyond,” presented at the Evangelical Missiological Society national meeting at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL, March 2017 and at the Evangelical Missiological Society national meeting in Dallas, TX, September 2017.
"The Emerging and Fading Generations through a Cultural Lens: Realizations that are Changing Me and Cultivating Trust,” presented at 67Pastors Annual Luncheon in Chicago, September 2017.
“Thanks for the Angst: Millennials, Challenges, Divisions, and Optimism,” presented at Moody Pastor’s Conference 2018.
“Compassionate Demons: Hidden Forces that Push Us toward Polarization,” presented at the Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education (AETE) at St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame in South Bend Indiana, June 2018.
“Human, so Unpredictable: The Role of Intercultural Development in Radicalization,” presented at the “International Conference on Religious Extremism and Violence in Africa: Reviewing the Practice of Intervention & Inter-religious Dialogue” at the Hekima Institute for Peace Studies and International Relations in Nairobi Kenya, October 2018.
“Resisting Cultural Captivity: Stewardship and Idolatry in Three Stories” presented at the Evangelical Theological Society Meeting, November 2021.
Professional / Personal Interests:
I'm very interested in the changes and challenges in our world that are creating confusion and conflict between generations. I see these primarily as a gift from God because of the good that can come from it - and is slowly coming from it.
Research interest:The relationship of Jesus’ three conditions of discipleship in Luke 14 and the issues of inclusion and exclusion, wealth and poverty and suffering and martyrdom to mission in contexts of violence.
Professional Memberships:- Evangelical Theological Society
- Evengelical Missiological Society