Andrew Schmutzer
Department:Bible and Theology
School:Undergraduate in Chicago, Graduate/Seminary in Chicago
Start Date:August 1998
Educational Background:
BA, Moody Bible Institute
ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary
PhD, Trinity International University -
With Gerald W. Peterman. Between Pain & Grace: A Biblical Theology of Suffering. Chicago: Moody, 2016.
With Daniel A. Gorski and David Carlson. Naming Our Abuse: God's Pathways to Healing for Male Sexual Abuse Survivors. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2016.
"Psalm 91: Refuge, Protection and its Use in the New Testament." In The Psalms: Language for All Seasons of the Soul, edited by Andrew J. Schmutzer and David M. Howard, Jr. Chicago: Moody, 2013.
The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused, edited by Andrew Schmutzer. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2011.
Be Fruitful and Multiply: A Crux of Thematic Repetition in Genesis 1-11. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2009.
With Allen P. Ross and Tremper Longmann III. Genesis. NLT Studies Series. Wheaton: Tyndale, 2009.
Chapters in Books
"The Suffering of God: Love in Willing Vulnerability." In Explorations in Interdisciplinary Reading: Theological, Exegetical, and Reception-Historical Perspectives, edited by Robbie F. Castleman, Darian R. Lockett, and Stephen O. Presley. Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2017): 1-25.
"Psalm 91: Refuge, Protection and its Use in the New Testament." In The Psalms: Language for All Seasons of the Soul, edited by Andrew J. Schmutzer and David M. Howard, Jr. Chicago: Moody, 2013.
"Numbers." In What the Old Testament Authors Really Cared About: A New Old Testament Thematic Survey edited by Jason DeRoushe. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2013.
"Cosmic Anthem: The Startling Score of Psalm 148." In Interpreting the Psalms for Preaching and Teaching: Essays in Honor of John Davis, edited by H. Bateman III and B. Sandy, 192-20. St. Louis: Chalice, 2010.
"Preaching from the Poetic Books." In The Moody Handbook of Preaching, edited by John Koessler, 157-78. Chicago: Moody, 2008.
"Using Biblical Hebrew in Sermon Preparation." In The Moody Handbook of Preaching, edited by John Koessler, 179-209. Chicago: Moody, 2008.
"Proclaiming Jesus Through Pastoral Integrity: The Role of Old Testament Imagery in Jesus' Temptation." In Proclaiming Jesus: Essays on the Centrality of Christ in the Church in Honor of Joseph M. Stowell, edited by Thomas H. L. Cornman, 197-224. Chicago: Moody, 2007.
"Suffering and the Christian Life." Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care 9, no. 2 (Fall, 2016): 307.
"Sexual Healing: How the Church Can Help Sexual Abuse Victims." The Well Magazine (Spring, 2013).
"No Winners: Lessons from the Sandusky Abuse Case." EFCA Today. The Magazine of the Evangelical Free Church of America (July 5, 2012).
"Sexual Abuse and the Distortion of Worship." Edification, E-Newsletter, edited by Jason Kanz, (Spring, 2012).
"Remembering and Protecting in Sexual Abuse—What's Your Role." Good Living Magazine 3 (Winter, 2012): 26–27.
"The Cycle of Trans-generational Sexual Abuse." Edification, E-Newsletter (ed. Jason Kanz, Fall, 2012).
"A Theology of Sexuality and its Abuse: Creation, Evil, and the Relational Ecosystem." In The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused, edited by Andrew J. Schmutzer, 105-135. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2011.
"Shepherding Survivors of Sexual Abuse: Weeding Out Some Myths." EFCA Today, Aug 3, 2011.
"Did the Gods Cause Abraham's Wandering? An Examination of התעו אתי אלהים in Gen. 20.13." JSOT 35 (2010): 149-166.
With Randall X. Gauthier. "The Identity of 'Horn' in Ps. 148:14a: An Exegetical Investigation in the MT and LXX Versions." BBR 19 (2009): 161-183.
"Spiritual Formation and Sexual Abuse: Embodiment, Community, and Healing." JSFSC 2 (2009): 67-86.
"Jesus' Temptation: A Reflection on Matthew's Use of OT Theology and Imagery." ATJ 40 (2008): 15-42.
"A Theology of Sexual Abuse: A Reflection on Creation and Devastation." JETS 51 (2008): 775-812.
"'All those going out of the gate of his city': Have the Translations Got It Yet?" BBR 17 (2007): 37-52.
"Making the Most of Temptation" and "Digging Deeper." Moody Magazine (May/June, 2002): 36-39.
Review of The Theology of the Book of Genesis, edited by R.W.L. Moberly, B.A. Strawn, and P.D. Miller. JETS 53 (2010): 634–636.
Review of The Way of the LORD: Essays in Old Testament Theology, by Patrick D. Miller. BBR 19 (2009): 280-81.
Review of Vol. 1 of Psalms 1-42: A Commentary, by John Goldingay. JETS 50 (2008): 119-21.
Review of Vol. 1 of Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Pentateuch, by Gordon J. Wenham. JETS 48 (2005): 622-24.
Review of Beginning Biblical Hebrew, by Mark D. Futato. JETS 47 (2004): 703-705.
Review of Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch, edited by D.T. Alexander and D.W. Baker. JETS 47 (2004): 140-42.
Review of Basics of Biblical Hebrew Grammar, by Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. VanPelt. JETS 46 (2003): 415-17.
Review of Introducing Biblical Hebrew, by Allen P. Ross. JETS 46 (2003): 413-15.
"A Puritan Wedding Prayer." In Poetic Voices of America 168. Sisterville: Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum, 1997.
Contributor to Baker Illustrated Dictionary of the Bible (ed. Tremper Longman III; Grand Rapids: Baker). Forthcoming.
"Genesis 1-11." Theology of Work Project, Inc., edited by William Messenger. 2013.
Professional / Personal Interests:
- Contributing Journal Editor: Edification (General Editor, Eric Johnson; the interdisciplinary journal of the Society for Christian Psychology; 2010–present)
- Evangelical Theological Society, 2002-present
- Society of Biblical Literature, 2002-present
- Institute of Biblical Research, 2003-present
- Society for Christian Psychology, 2010–present
- Christian Counseling Professionals of Chicagoland, 2012–present
- Glen Ellyn/Wheaton Chorale, 2000-2001
Professional Society Leadership:- Chairman: Psalms and Hebrew Poetry Section, National ETS, 2008–2013
- Steering Committee Member: Pentateuch Study Group, National ETS, 2010–present
- Vice President, MidWest Region ETS, 2013
Outside Reader / Supervisor:- 2nd Reader: Master’s OT Thesis: Deirdre Brouer, Voices of “Outrage” Against Rape: Textual Evidence and Case Studies in the Hebrew Bible (Denver Seminary; Denver, CO, 2011–2012)
- Participant: Master’s Thesis: Deborah Gault, Sexual Abuse and Spiritual Formation (Biola University; CA, Spring, 2011)
- Manuscript Reviewer: Essay for Richard E. Averbeck, “Having a Baby the New-Fashioned Way: Wisdom from the Old Testament,” in Why the Church Needs Bioethics: A Guide to Wise Engagement with Life’s Challenges (ed. John F. Kilner; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011): 25–42.
- Supervisor: Doctor of Ministry: Christopher Yuan, A Model for Wholeness and Healing for the Sexually Broken Taken from Genesis 2 and 1 Corinthians 7 (Bethel Seminary; St. Paul, MN, 2011)