Recommendations from Student Life
Last Updated September 27, 2021
During the pandemic, Moody students and staff have approached this season with grace and vigor, supporting one another as we continue to live on mission and equip men and women to proclaim the gospel. We will continue to update our protocols for on-campus students and staff, as we continue in our commitment to provide students and employees with a safe and healthy learning and work environment.
Table of Contents:
Our Community Commitment |
Chicago Campus |
Michigan Campus |
Spokane Campus |
Our Community Commitment
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In developing our COVID-19 mitigation protocols, we have used guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the state of Illinois, the city of Chicago, our growing experience over the past three semesters, and our trust in God’s guidance through continued prayer. We will closely monitor the emerging research, as well as public health guidance, and revisit our COVID mitigation protocols as changes are warranted.
It is important to understand that the Moody Bible Institute’s COVID mitigation protocols:
- Are not an expression of political belief by the Institute.
- Are not flowing out of a spirit of fear. We continue to move forward in prayer and trust that it is God who will watch over us and keep us safe.
- Are not intended to marginalize students who are unable to or have chosen not to be vaccinated.
The expectations outlined below and in our FAQ align with the guidance given by the CDC, and they comply with an executive order issued by the governor of Illinois and public health order issued by the city of Chicago.
If you have questions or concerns related to COVID-19 matters, please direct your email accordingly:
- Students, please email
- Employees, please email
- Faculty, please email
Chicago Campus Student Intentions Form
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Chicago Campus Housing Intentions & Preferences Form
Do you plan to be on-campus? Let us know how you will be attending classes before the semester starts. We want to plan well to support our student body, as students continue to live on-campus or commute and study through the Hyflex format off-campus. All students are required to fill out the Housing Intentions Form.
Chicago Campus Vaccination Policy
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Students, faculty and employees on the Chicago campus are required to be vaccinated for COVID-19 per the Governor’s Executive Order on August 26, 2021. This executive order requires public and private colleges adhere to a statewide mandate regarding face coverings and COVID-19 vaccination. This state mandate impacts students and employees working or enrolled at Moody Bible Institute’s Chicago campus. Moody leadership seeks to respect and honor everyone’s personal choice and religious convictions about the vaccination, while maintaining the health and safety of our staff and students, and compliance with state laws. Therefore, we support your right to apply for available medical or religious exemptions from the vaccination mandate and get tested weekly. We have a simple exemption application process. Our goal is to provide a student life experience this year that allows as much freedom from restrictions as possible, within these limits, while still keeping our community safe. Employees at the Spokane campus are also required to follow the State of Washington guidelines to provide proof of vaccination or approved exemption.
Chicago students who are vaccinated and who have not already done so, must provide a photocopy of your proof of vaccination to Health Service in person or drop it in the secure lockbox near the elevator on Smith 2. Do not turn in your original documentation.
Chicago Campus Sick Student Protocol
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All students, whether vaccinated or not, are required to adhere to Moody Bible Institute’s sick student protocols as described in the FAQ. Consequently, all students are expected to bring a thermometer to monitor their temperature and to bring at least five masks. When students experience COVID-19 symptoms, they will be expected to:
- Complete the COVID-19 Submission Form
- Enter our sick student protocol.
- Increase hand-washing and use of hand sanitizers.
- Quarantine and limit movement on the floor to essential needs.
- Wear a mask when leaving the room for essential needs and retrieving meals.
- Monitor their symptoms.
- Get tested for COVID-19.
Chicago Campus Mask Policy
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The City of Chicago and Governor of Illinois issued mandates requiring masks in public settings while indoors on Moody’s campus, regardless of vaccination status.
Masks can be removed while eating and/or drinking, as well as in a student’s residence hall room, when working in your individual office or cubicle, if social distancing of six feet can be maintained. Masks can also be removed if employees are static and maintaining at least six feet from all other individuals such as in an office space, or presenters in chapel and faculty in classrooms.
For more information about this mandate, see CDPH’s website.
Michigan Campus
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This web page will answer many of your Michigan campus-specific questions about the necessary changes and adjustments to our learning formats for the 2021 academic year. Communication from Moody will generally address Chicago specifically and you should expect the Michigan campus (including the Detroit Durfee classroom location) to follow those guidelines, except where the state of Michigan restrictions are stricter. To stay up to date with the state of Michigan regulations, you can visit the state of Michigan website for updates:
Michigan Class Delivery
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We are utilizing a highly flexible (Hyflex) approach to learning for most classes, allowing you to attend classes in person, online via Zoom, or asynchronously accessing course videos in Canvas (course link will be in Canvas for all classes). This learning model will allow us to continue to deliver classroom teaching, even if a resurgence of COVID-19 becomes a challenge. Check with the teachers of the Durfee location classes for potential limitations to this option.
Michigan Campus In-Person Classes
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We will be following CDC guidelines. Teachers who are vaccinated will not be teaching with masks, nor will students who have been vaccinated (though all are welcome to if you feel more comfortable doing so). Unvaccinated teachers and students are expected to wear masks. The distance between desks and tables will now be three feet (rather than the previous six-foot guidelines). Social distancing is still expected by those unvaccinated.
Return-to-Campus Testing and Weekly Testing
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Since MTS Michigan is not a residential campus like Chicago, we will not require a negative COVID-19 PCR test 72 hours prior to your first class, though you are encouraged to get tested as a way to establish a healthy baseline for our student body. The same applies to weekly testing. Students of the Michigan campus are not required to be tested weekly. Again, if you experience symptoms, please get tested immediately and always be in good communication with the office here in Michigan.
Michigan Campus COVID-19 Symptoms
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Contact the MTS Michigan office at (734) 207-9581 or for further directions if you experience COVID-19 symptoms, test positive for COVID-19, or come into close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19. You will be given directions regarding your ability to be on campus and your course options at that point.
Student Life Activities at Michigan Campus
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Student Life activities have returned to normal operations. This includes the reopening of the student lounge, missions and ministry fairs, along with other corporate social and library-operated gatherings. Questions about student life activities or upcoming events can be directed to and
Michigan Campus New Student Orientation
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New Student Orientation will return to an in-person environment on Thursday, August 12 at 6:00 p.m. Unvaccinated students on campus are expected to wear a mask inside the building. Some parts of the orientation will be available virtually to accommodate those who might not be able to attend in person. For virtual orientation, you will access this on the NSO Canvas page:
Michigan Chapels
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Chapels will return from 5:15-5:45 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday (depending on the schedule). These in-person gatherings are strongly recommended for all students. Fully vaccinated students will have the option to wear or not wear a mask. For unvaccinated students, wearing a mask is required during chapel.
Michigan Internship and Field Education
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For MTS Michigan internships and field education, we will follow health and safety protocols, as we did this past year. Please contact the field education instructor, Professor Dan Thorpe, at for direction and adjustments.
Michigan Urban Scholars
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For the Urban Scholars program, we will follow similar protocols to last year. Please contact Amber Tucker at for questions in regards to your site and activities that must be completed during the semester in order to maintain your scholarship.
Michigan Counseling Services
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Counseling will be provided this fall through the Michigan Campus Counseling Clinic. Whether counseling is offered in a virtual or in-person format will be determined closer to the start of the fall semester. Questions can be directed to the clinic director, Dr. John Restum, at or (734) 207-9581.
Michigan Vaccination Resources
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For all of Michigan:,9753,7-406-98178_103214_104822---,00.html.
For Plymouth, Michigan:
Michigan COVID-19 Testing Resources
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Plymouth COVID Testing:
Metro Detroit COVID Testing:,9753,7-406-99891_99912---,00.html.
Spokane Campus
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This web page will answer many of your Moody Aviation-specific questions about the necessary changes and adjustments to our learning formats. Detailed COVID-19 protocol for Moody Aviation can be located through your CANVAS dashboard under the COVID-19 training course. Moody Aviation’s COVID-19 Safety Manual may be viewed through this course and will be updated as necessary following guidance from the CDC and the State of WA. In addition, you can visit the State of Washington website for updates at
Spokane Class Delivery
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We are utilizing a highly flexible (Hyflex) approach to learning for most classroom-based courses, allowing you to attend classes in person, online via Zoom, or asynchronously accessing course videos in Canvas (course link will be in Canvas for all classes). This learning model will allow us to continue to deliver classroom teaching, even if a resurgence of COVID-19 becomes a challenge. Maintenance and flight labs are available only via in-person attendance.
Spokane Vaccination
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The Moody Bible Institute does not require students to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and leaves this sensitive choice to you as an individual. We ask that you bring this matter in prayer before the Lord and consider wisely the pros and cons of becoming fully vaccinated or not based upon your personal health needs as well as the health of the community. The State of Washington requires institutes of higher education to ascertain the vaccination status of all students. As such, you will be required to disclose your vaccination status and provide appropriate documentation when requested. Vaccinated individuals will be permitted to avail themselves of the reduced restrictions below after providing confirmation of vaccination or a certificate of attestation to Moody Aviation. Employees must provide proof of 1) vaccination, or 2) approved exemption according to the State of Washington guidelines as outlined in the COVID Guide.
Spokane Campus Social Distancing
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It is expected that unvaccinated individuals maintain a social distance of three feet from others where possible. Vaccinated individuals who have provided appropriate documentation are encouraged but not required to maintain three feet distance from others.
Spokane Campus COVID-19 Testing
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A negative COVID-19 PCR test for unvaccinated individuals within 72 hours of your first class is encouraged, but not required to return to campus. If you have traveled internationally, a negative COVID-19 test is required prior to your return to Moody Aviation as well as a 7-day quarantine. If you experience COVID-like symptoms please get tested immediately and communicate with Mike Wilson, and Garry Barkman,
Spokane Campus COVID-19 Symptoms
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Vaccinated or unvaccinated individuals who experience COVID-19 symptoms, test positive for COVID-19, or come into close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19, please promptly contact Mike Wilson ( and Garry Barkman ( You will be given directions in regard to your ability to be on campus and your course options at that point.
Spokane Campus Quarantine
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As a student at Moody Aviation, you agree to abide by the quarantine protocol that is established by Moody Aviation. Those who think they may have or know they have COVID-19, as well as unvaccinated individuals who have had close contact with someone with COVID-19, will be directed to quarantine for at least 10 days from the onset of symptoms and be symptom and fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours prior to entering Moody Aviation facilities.
Spokane New Student Orientation
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New Student Orientation (NSO) will be offered in-person at Moody Aviation on Friday, July 30 at 8:00 am. Some of the orientation will be available virtually to accommodate those who might not be able to attend in person. Contact Mike Wilson, Associate Dean of Students, at for additional information.
Spokane Counseling Services
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Moody Aviation partners with the Genesis Institute and local churches to provide counseling options for students. If you or someone you know needs such assistance, please reach out to Mike Wilson, Associate Dean of Students, at for additional information.
Spokane COVID-19 Testing Resources
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