The Value of Continuing Education


A convenient and affordable way to achieve the benefits of learning is through continuing education. Whether digging deeper into the Word of God, sharpening a job skill, or learning a new discipline, continuing education can help achieve these goals. Moody Enrich is a continuing education initiative that is fully online and provides self-paced, asynchronous courses in the areas of professional development and personal growth.

Studies show a strong link between education and health. Education experts say, “Education improves health because it increases effective agency, enhancing a sense of personal control that encourages and enables a healthy lifestyle. Education’s beneficial effects are pervasive, cumulative, and self-amplifying, growing across the life course.” (London Review of Education, 2005)

However, learning can take a dip (or fall completely off the ledge) following the end of our formal education years. This does not need to be the case because of the abundant opportunities to learn outside of a formal degree program. Moody Enrich offers two avenues to continue your education: Professional Development and Personal Growth.

Professional Development Courses

Professional Development is an important component for any stage of life. It’s important to invest in your career development and not remain static. This boosts confidence and effectiveness and can lead to potential promotions. According to WebCE, “by taking advantage of professional development, continued education, and planning for your career, you’ve already got a leg up on a third of your peers. Because you’re going for it and taking ownership of your career, you’re much more likely to achieve success and meet your goals.”
Whether developing a new skill, strengthening a current skill set, or needing continuing education credits for certification, Professional Development Courses through Moody Enrich will help you achieve these goals.

Personal Growth Courses

With Moody Enrich, the focus is not just on professional development, but spiritual and emotional growth as well. Each continuing education course is founded on strong biblical principles with God’s Word woven throughout the content. Perhaps your goal is to dig deeper into God’s Word or find biblical ways to strengthen your marriage and family relationships. Whatever your desire is for personal growth, our courses can be the tool that helps you grow in your understanding of who the Lord is and who He has made you to be.

Enrich your life. Enrich the lives of others.

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