John Clark
Department:Bible and Theology
School:Undergraduate in Chicago, Graduate/Seminary in Chicago
Start Date:July 2010
Educational Background:
BA, Spring Arbor University
ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary
PhD, University of Toronto -
A Call to Christian Formation: How Theology Makes Sense of Our World. Co-authored with Marcus P. Johnson. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2021.
The Incarnation of God: The Mystery of the Gospel as the Foundation of Evangelical Theology." Co-authored with Marcus P. Johnson. Wheaton: Crossway, 2015.
"The Principal Point on Which Our Whole Salvation Turns: Calvin on the Vicarious Priesthood of Jesus Christ," Evangelical Calvinism II: Dogmatics and Devotion. Ed. Myk Habets and Bobby Grow. Eugene: Pickwick, 2017.
"Satisfaction, Intercession, Participation: John Calvin on Receiving Christ and Enjoying the Benefits of His Priesthood." Between the Lectern and the Pulpit: Essays in Honour of Victor Shepherd. Ed. Clements, Rob and Dennis Ngien. Vancouver: Regent College Publishers, 2014.