Study Abroad with Moody
You can do a study abroad program and join other students in classrooms around the globe. You’ll learn from Moody professors and visit significant historical sites on the other side of the world. Form relationships with your classmates that last a lifetime as you experience life in constant community.

International Studies Program
In the international studies program you can complete a semester at one of our international partner schools. You’ll live on campus and take classes from professors with years of practical and academic experience. Learn how to live in another culture, as you prepare to follow God wherever He calls you.

Where you’ll get to study abroad with Moody
Program locations often vary per semester, but past destinations have included:
- Israel
- Greece
- Germany
- Italy
- Switzerland
- England
- Ireland
- Scotland
- Wales

Classes you might take
Your major may have specific requirements for courses you need to complete. Most study abroad programs are directed toward sophomores or juniors. Your courses will vary depending on program location, and they’ll correspond to the key Bible and theology components found in the optimal schedule for each major.

Your study abroad ministry experience
When you take a study abroad trip, your group will get connected to the local church. You’ll get the opportunity to do ministry to the community and see how God works through His people in any culture. See the global church as it functions in different contexts, and gain an appreciation for the diversity and unity within the body of Christ. Grow used to doing ministry across cultures and get ready to serve God’s people no matter if they’re similar to you or different.